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Who can you trust online?

Who can you trust online?

How good are the companies supplying the pub shed community?

There are quite a few companies to pick from but how do you know if they are any good?

Can you trust them to deliver or are they scammers?

With prices ranging from just a few pounds to many hundreds of pounds and even thousands these are questions you want to answer before you part with your cash.

Making the right choice can be daunting, of cause we recommend ourselves for bar signs but below we have given some pointers on getting it right whether it’s bar sign, pumps, furniture, sheds or other products for your bar. So what should you look for when deciding who and where to buy from.


Online Presence

Look for companies that have a proper website with or a .com URL.

Is there a real business address on the website?

Are they listed on companies house - Check them out on the You Gov site.

Have they got a real email address not a Gmail or other free email addresses, something like or

Does the website look professional? Websites are expensive to build and maintain, Scammers and here today gone tomorrow companies don’t put effort or time into good websites and domain names.

Can you see history on the site like lots of blogs going back into the past?

If you can give a say yes to the above that proves the company exists and has been around for a while.


Do they accept Visa, Mastercard, ApplePay, GooglePay, PayPal Business.

Never ever pay by BACS or bank transfer.

If they don’t accept cards or PayPal Business but only Bank transfers, then run away.

Seriously never pay by BACS – You have no cover from your bank whereas if you pay by credit card or PayPal Business you are covered by them if the company fails to deliver.

Deposits – Deposits are normal for big purchases but again use the golden rules Card or PayPal. You may have no choice for large scale builds but do your homework on your chosen supplier.

PayPal caveat – Don’t pay Friends & Family as PayPal won’t cover these transactions.

Reviews –

Google the business name – Have they got lots of ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️reviews, at least 200 and zero or minimal poor reviews over a long time.

Look at the companies reviews on Facebook, Esty, Not On The High Street, if it’s all or mostly ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️reviews then they look like the people to do business with.

Good reviews show a company that cares about their products and customers

Have a look at our reviews to see what good looks like – Just google two fat blokes bar signs

Facebook Groups – Ask in the groups who has used the company, if they are bad you will soon hear about them from your fellow Pub Shed community members.