About Two Fat Blokes

The Faces Behind The Name
Who are we: Fat Matt
All bar signs at twofb.com are designed in-house by the Fat Artist otherwise called Matt. His main interests are several pints of Elgoods Golden Newt, Leicester City FC and any psychedelic space rock, especially Hawkwind. Matt has been a graphic artist since the early nineties, designing graphics for a well know pub co. When Matts not working on his new pub, he can be found walking his dog down to The George & Dragon for a swift half or four…
Who are we: Fat Ash
Our manufacturing is looked after by the Fat Printer also referred to as Ash. His interests unsurprisingly are drinking a brace real ale down his local Tap Room, Birmingham City and 1980s Ska. Ash has been in the signage world for over 20 years, having been made redundant during the last lockdown, he started Two Fat Blokes Bar Sign Emporium with Fat Matt. Fat Matt and Fat Ash have worked together for 11 interesting years.
When Ash is not working, he can be found in his beloved Pub Shed listening to Pub Shed Radio with Roxy and Mrs Fat Bloke (Susan)
Who are we: Little Liza
Our bar runners, coasters and T shirts are made by Liza who is Ash’s sister. She brings calm, salads and perfume to the ShedQuaters. Liza has two young children to look after as well as the Fat Blokes. She is a fan of noughties R&B and loves a bottle of gin when her husband and kids are out the way, which isn’t very often.
Who are we: Roxy
Our print shop dog, Roxy the German Shepherd dog who is wilfully disobedient. She is an avid fan of Liza’s lunch and has learnt how to open the fridge to chow down on her salad, She also loves Pig snacks, crisps, and anything else she can nick from the print shed. Roxy gets a new tennis ball every time we get a five-star review. Obviously, she now has a massive collection which she is extremely attached to, but always keen for more.
All our manufacturing is done in the Black Country in our own wee print shop.
Together we make a great team. From our shed to yours, we’re ready to supply, design and manufacture the very best, authentic home bar signage.